EP 2 | 3 Questions to Ask Yourself to Find Your Marketing Focus | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast

In today’s episode, I’ll be suggesting three questions you should ask yourself when defining your marketing focus, as well as quickly explaining the differences between brand, product and integrated marketing and communications.

With a little bit of direction from yourself, I hope you leave this episode feeling more supported in defining your marketing focus, and ready to show up bold and bright to the world with your purpose.

If you haven’t grabbed my latest FREE resource, the Marketing Focus Framework, head on over to plumandparcel.com/marketing-focus-framework to claim it!

It's the busy gal’s guide to getting clear on her marketing and communications priorities, and you need it! It’ll make everything I’m talking about in this episode come to life for you!

Don’t forget to share how you found out about this podcast and what areas of work, business, life, etc. you need more encouragement in by: leaving a quick review on Apple Podcasts, and/or DM'ing my team and me on Instagram: @plumandparcel

See you next time!

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EP 3 | 4 Reasons I Left the Corporate World to Serve Small Businesses | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast


EP 1 | Intros with Austin: What to Expect on the Marketing Your Purpose Podcast