EP 5 | Why Purpose-Driven Businesses Have a Leg Up in PR and Marketing | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast

I'm going to be real with you – running a small business is hard and can be incredibly exhausting – and it's all too easy to lose sight of why you started your business in the first place….

I've seen this happen time and time again. But, what if I told you there was a solution? A way out of this rut? You can start marketing effortlessly if you just come back to prioritizing your purpose.

This week, I dig deep into what purpose-driven really means, why being a purpose-driven business pays off in the PR and marketing world, and how to keep your purpose front-and-center.

Get excited because these reasons for why purpose-driven businesses have a leg up in PR & marketing are MONEY!

Don’t forget to grab my FREE resources, the One-Page Marketing Plan and the Marketing Focus Framework, at plumandparcel.com, if you’re ready to start marketing YOUR purpose. They’ll get you focused and organized quickly on this wild entrepreneurial journey!

See you next time!

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EP 6 | 5 Integrated Marketing & PR Strategies That Work, Plus 2 You Should Pass On | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast


EP 4 | How to Build a One-Page Marketing Plan in 7 Easy Steps | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast