EP 8 | 3 Tips on Selecting the Marketing Strategies Right For Your Business | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast

Have you ever said to yourself, “Wow! There are SO many marketing and PR strategies out there. I’m a little overwhelmed and a bit unclear which ones are right for my business. How do I know which to choose?”

If you relate to this statement and this question… good! This episode is for you gals who need a little help selecting the marketing strategies right for your business’s optimal growth. 

Listen to this episode for three tips or questions to ask yourself to get more clear and feel more confident with the time and budget you’re allocating to your business’s marketing. Think: where is your target audience, what is your timeline and what is your budget!

Make sure to stick around for the bonus tip at the end!

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EP 9 | 4 Ways to be More Purposeful In and Outside Your Business | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast


EP 7 | How I Juggle Motherhood and Business | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast