EP 23 | Your Annual Plan Reset | 7 Steps to Including All of You in Your Goals | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast

I am not the only one talking about annual planning, and for good reason. Annual planning and goal setting is crucial to growth. 

Annual plans help us hit our goals, but also direct our time. How we choose to allocate our time is a gift. If we're not good stewards of it, it ends up directing us. So, annual plans help us avoid this!

I'm curious… have you decided how you will spend your time in 2024? Have you strategically planned for milestones you want to hit? Businesses or offers you want to launch? Things you want to do?  

If you have, great, but have you incorporated all parts of you into your annual plans? 

Annual planning and goal setting shouldn't be saved for just our professional life. It should include our personal, relational, physical and spiritual goals too.

 If you desire to bring all parts of you into your annual planning and goal setting and need a process that works, I have something for you.

Whether you're a total planner like me (hey girl!) or run a little more spontaneously, this week on the Marketing Your Purpose podcast, we're bringing you EP 23: Your Annual Plan Reset: 7 Steps to Including All of You in Your 2024 Goals. 

From getting placed in a dream publication to multiple, unplugged vacations with your family, we'll help you relook at all your deep desires, map them out + make them happen in the new year.

Ready to dive in?

Join our email list: plumandparcel.com

Follow us on Instagram: @plumandparcel 


EP 24 | How to Make a Successful Pivot | 4 Lessons and 3 Suggestions From 2023 | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast


EP 22 | 5 Fave Books on Purpose, Biz and Life, Plus 5 I’m Reading in the New Year | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast