EP 18 | 5 Steps to Building a Marketing and PR Budget | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast

Are you wondering how to plan your marketing & PR budget? đź’¸

Planning out your budget can feel overwhelming and unfortunately, there is no right answer for how much you should spend.

It is completely dependent on the needs of your biz, whether you’re ready to outsource, what strategies and tactics you’re interested in investing in and how much you’re willing to spend. 

But, no matter what, the more intentional and detailed you are upfront with your budget, the better you will feel at the end of the year or once your campaign is over. 

The more you account for now… the less disappointed, confused and defeated you will be because you planned for this.

That’s what a budget is for to help you stick to the plan.

So, whether you’re budget is big or small, it’s important we make a budget.

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