EP 17 | Why Your Business Should Participate in Local Events | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast

Are you ready to build community in real life?! 

From personal experience – where I’ve watched community and connection naturally happen in a room full of people with similar values and desires – I believe local events are a beautiful tool to meet new people, network, and grow your business. 

Beyond attracting new leads and more personally interacting with customers or clients, you are getting back to the roots of why you started your business in the first place.

And, connecting with the people who need and desire the goodness and light you bring to this world the most through the purposeful gifts you’ve been given and the offerings you’ve carefully created and designed for them.

Events do typically require a budget and not all small businesses have the bandwidth or capacity to host their own local events. 

So, today, I want to talk about some considerations when it comes to participating in local events because let’s be realistic, my friends. We may not be able to throw our own – BUT, we certainly can participate in them. AND, reap similar benefits. 

Tune into this episode to learn how to find events to attend in your area, what to do once you get there + how to get started if you feel called to fill your local event gap!

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EP 18 | 5 Steps to Building a Marketing and PR Budget | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast


EP 16 | 4 Tricks to Media Coverage | Marketing Your Purpose Podcast