2022 Wrap Up: Plum & Parcel’s Year in Review
2022 was a big year for Plum & Parcel. This spring, we relaunched the company after a brief hiatus and brought on great clients, including this financial technology company – building out key messaging frameworks and executing strategic plans that helped their stories shine.
From a personal standpoint, our founder welcomed a beautiful baby boy into her family (her second child), and we hired our first consultant!
Let’s not forget: we launched this blog (yes, this one that you’re reading now) to spread positivity, encouragement, and share communications tips. We know many of you have found our blog to be a helpful resource and we thank you for tuning in.
“Plum & Parcel’s website and narrative are truly fabulous. Can’t wait to see what else Austin does to bring her thoughtfulness, insights and creativity to this new endeavor.”
As we near the end of this big year, we’re taking a trip down memory lane to share some of the top blog posts that resonated with you:
3 actions you can take to be more purposeful in the workplace
Be mindful of your words and actions. As you enter the “office” physically or remotely each day, be cognizant of how you communicate, both verbally and nonverbally, with your peers. Simply taking 5-minutes to ask how your co-worker spent the weekend before jumping into deliverables for the week can make all the difference.
Be intentional about resting and refueling your body. Don’t forget to take mini breaks to stretch, walk around the office, grab a snack or glass of water, and never skip lunch. Your body needs these moments of rest and refueling for your mind to be at its best.
Serve your colleagues both personally and professionally. We can often fall into believing that we have been assigned to our current workplace only to provide the technical skills for which we were hired. But, what if we were also employed to serve our colleagues beyond work? Maybe your co-worker just lost a relative or is also struggling with finding their purpose. Be the catalyst that encourages them in the workplace you both have been carefully selected for.
Looking for more encouragement? Check out: 4 tips to boost your confidence in your purpose at work.
Defining purpose-driven and what marketers can learn from the 2022 purpose power index
Since 2019, the Purpose Power Index has measured the effectiveness of brands that activate purpose at the core of their business - a first-of-its-kind survey of U.S. consumers and employees. So, what should today’s marketers take from the Purpose Power Index?
There is an incredible opportunity for purpose-driven brands - big or small - to effectively reach their target audiences today if they keep their higher mission at their core. Nearly 70% of survey respondents cited a brand’s purpose as a key factor in their purchase decisions. It also strongly increased the likelihood that consumers would recommend purpose-driven brands to others.
Corporate Social Activism has an important role to play in a brand’s reputation. In fact, today’s consumers expect companies to reflect their vision and values in their external communications, championing fairness and inclusion and taking a stand on social issues.
A company’s focus on purpose can have a positive impact on employees, as well. The Purpose Power Index revealed that there is a strong link between how engaged an employee is at work and satisfied they are with their job when they see their vision and values reflected in their employers’ purpose.
Looking for more educational content? Check out: 5 things to know about Integrated Marketing Communications.
Behind the Scenes
A Q&A with Austin Kapur, founder and CEO of Plum & Parcel
“I am Austin Kapur. I’m the founder and CEO of Plum & Parcel, an integrated marketing communications agency enabling intentional, purpose-driven businesses to be seen and heard. I’m a wife and mama of two who loves Jesus and resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. Plum & Parcel’s motto is “we tell stories that shine”. We’re all about driving more light into this world by sharing thoughtful, integrated stories that break through the darkness. We execute this best for companies with purpose, including brands like YouCaring (acquired by GoFundMe), Visa and other financial services, e-commerce and consumer product businesses.
The motivation behind Plum & Parcel? God has continued to give me opportunities to serve clients that are intentionally helping people around the world, and to build a business that brings joy and healing to my life and those lives around me.”
Looking for more behind the scenes content? Check out: Get to know Chelsea Laspada, Director of Creative Production, Kajabi.
So, what’s next for Plum & Parcel? All we can say is that there are some exciting opportunities ahead, as we continue to help our clients and their stories shine. While you might see the blog cadence dwindle during the holiday season as we take some time to rest and recharge, you can keep up on the latest on LinkedIn and Instagram. We’ll see you in 2023!